Ways To Work Out Your Brain To Keep Your Mind Sharp With Age

  • August 20, 2020 BY  Anthem Seniors
  • Anthem Senior Living

Cognitive decline can affect us as we age, it could be small changes in mental abilities like low mindfulness and confusion or more serious conditions, such as Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia. An estimated 50-60 million people are living with dementia currently in the United States. It’s true that some forms of dementia like Alzheimer’s disease are progressive and do not yet have a cure, it is also true that there are some effective ways you can “work out” your brain, which can keep your mind sharp and alert with age.

It’s a no-brainer that to keep your body fit, you need to exercise regularly and get varied physical exercises ranging from aerobic, strength, flexibility, to balance exercises. Similarly, your brain needs exercise too in order to function at its best. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, keeping your brain active not only increases its vitality, it can also prevent Alzheimer’s disease in individuals because the brain cells and their connections are stronger.

You might be unsure about ways to exercise your brain. Remember, it’s only certain kinds of activities that qualify as genuine brain exercise. You are not required to read a set of Encyclopedias to boost your brainpower. The exercises are simple that can help maintain your brain power (especially as you age). In fact, you may already be doing some of these brain-enriching activities without realizing.

Socialize– According to research, an active social life can delay memory loss among the elderly. The best ways to widen your social circle is by joining a knitting club, signing up for group outings, taking part in yoga classes, etc. Do things that you love doing, that way you’ll meet people who share similar interests as you, leading to better quality of life well into your golden years.

Read– Read anything that you like sci-fi, high fantasy, murder mysteries or non-fiction, anything that piques your interest. Reading engages our minds in a variety of ways. Read as much as you can, which will help your brain engage with new ideas and also engages the imagination. Reading has many benefits, so try to incorporate this habit into your daily routine (if you are not a reader) and work to make it into a lifelong habit. Not to mention, this brain exercise is portable with e-readers and phones in place.

Get adequate exercise– As already mentioned earlier that keeping your mind sharp is more about mental stimulation, but there’s a strong connection between physical and cognitive health that’s worth talking about. According to studies, physical activity can help protect us against cognitive decline and dementia later in life. Check out yoga classes, which is a terrific exercise for aging adults as it keeps you flexible and builds strength through low-impact moves, or pursue that activity you always wanted to try, be it archery, cycling, swimming, dancing or whatever appeals most to you!

Learn a new language– Take the challenge of learning to speak a foreign language, which is a great way to exercise your brain. The process of picking up a new language is cognitively challenging for most people, but can also be rewarding and fun in terms of the fact that it gives your memory a workout in addition to activating the language centers of your brain.

Drink plenty of water– Your brain might be craving water if you’re feeling weak, confused, or tired. Staying hydrated is one of the most effective ways to help keep your mind alert.

You need to give your brain the proper stimulation to keep it from getting sluggish and slow, to be able to be your mental best now and protect yourself against cognitive decline in the future. Brain exercises like the ones mentioned above are reported to help by reducing stress, improving memory, increasing focus and concentration, increasing self-confidence, sharpening vision and hearing, enhancing fluid intelligand lastly, by making the mood more positive.

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