Dementia And Its Stages And Senior Care Living In Phoenix

  • August 23, 2019 BY  Anthem Seniors
  • Anthem Senior Advantage

Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with regular life with Alzheimer’s being the most common type of dementia that accounts for 60 to 80 percent of cases. Dementia isn’t a specific disease, it’s an overall term that describes a group of symptoms associated with a decline in memory or other thinking skills severe enough to reduce a person’s ability to perform everyday activities.

Anthem Senior Living in Phoenix is dedicated to providing environment that is safe, familiar and stimulating to individuals with memory loss. Understanding the symptoms and stages of dementia is important for individuals who may be at risk for developing the condition as early detection of dementia can help slow the progression of cognitive decline, increase overall quality of life and aid in the caregiving process. We are an award-winning senior care living in Anthem facility in the region. Expect for your loved one to get the best form of care and support.

Early-Stage Dementia

Early-stage dementia is characterized by mild impairment. While the symptoms are mild, they are still typically noticeable to friends and family around them. It is extremely important as a family member or caregiver to keep an eye out for symptoms like forgetfulness and memory loss, neglect of household chores or personal hygiene, confusion while driving, loss of concentration, trouble managing medications, trouble managing finances, etc. Although individuals diagnosed with early-stage dementia are still able to live independently, however it is important that they have access to regular care to ensure they are taken care of physically, emotionally, and financially.

Mid-Stage Dementia– Mid-stage dementia is characterized by moderate impairment. Signs of mid-stage dementia include disorientation in terms of time and space, struggle to understand time relationships, trouble with bladder control, restless at night or a change in typical sleep patterns, difficulty remembering new things including people, feeling moody or withdrawn in social situations. Your loved one will require more day-to-day care once his/her memory loss progresses to mid-stage dementia.

Late-Stage Dementia– Round-the-clock care is generally required for those diagnosed with late-stage dementia. Symptoms typically include extreme memory loss, no understanding of orientation in time, wandering and becoming lost if unsupervised, requiring help with daily activities such as eating and bathing, extremely limited social abilities. The best way to care for your loved one is to enlist the help of trained professionals if they have been diagnosed with late-stage dementia. Consider the quality of care as well as the environment and existing group dynamic when looking for a place or person to care for your beloved with dementia.

Our memory care team at Anthem Senior living is specially trained in dementia care techniques, and we personalize each resident’s care based on their preferences and care needs. According to research, personalized care programs have the biggest impact on those living with dementia. Personalized programs at Anthem Senior Living include multi-sensory experiences, daily exercise and outings, group activities, and visits with children and pets. Schedule a tour and book a suite with us and ensure the well-being of your senior loved one.

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