Significance Of Sleep For Healthy Aging

  • November 07, 2019 BY  Anthem Seniors
  • Assisted living anthem

Sleep affects our overall health, including our immune system. Some neurobiological processes occur during sleep that has a deep impact on brain health, and they influence mood, energy level and cognitive fitness as a result. Moreover, a good night’s sleep helps concentration and memory formation that allows body to repair any cell damage that occurred during daytime, and revitalizes your immune system, which in turn helps to prevent disease. Inadequate sleep can lead to serious health problems, such as diabetes, weight problems, an increased risk of heart disease and breast cancer in women.

You need to understand the underlying causes of your sleep problems in order to improve your quality of sleep. Most healthy adults require 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep per night, but the requirements vary from person to person. Sleep can become more challenging as you age, especially if someone has a condition like sleep apnea or Alzheimer’s. The problem may also arise as a side effect of some common medications.

For senior living care for your loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s or mobility issues, it’s advisable that you go for an assisted facility where you can expect for your loved one to receive the best form of assisted care and support. The senior health challenges that Anthem Senior Living in Phoenix works with include dementia, high blood pressure, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, wound care, respiratory diseases, diabetes, heart disease and more. Anthem Senior Living is an award-winning Anthem assisted living facility in the region.

Here are some quick tips that will help you in getting that restful sleep that you’ve always desired or dreamed about:

Maintain A Proper Sleep Schedule– Try and adhere to a regular sleep pattern that involves falling asleep at the same time each night. Avoid taking frequent naps throughout the day as that can affect your sleep cycle.

Regular Exercise– According to experts, exercise improves our sleep cycle, so try and include exercise into your daily routine to sleep better. Do not exercise just before going to bed which can make it difficult to settle into bed.

Don’t Go To Bed Hungry– Eat light like snacks, such as yogurt, low-sugar cereal, and warm milk, and avoid big late-night meals before going to bed. Never go to bed without satisfying your body’s hunger which will cause discomfort.

Socialization– No form (lack) of social engagement can have negative impact on our sleep cycles. Socializing more in terms of family visits, coffee with a friend can help prepare your body for a comfortable night’s sleep through adequate physical and mental stimulation.

Comfortable Room Temperatures– Keep the temperature of your room low as cooler temperatures help the body fall asleep more easily. There should be a warm enough blanket as well.

No Alcohol And Coffee Before Bedtime– Caffeine and alcohol are substances that stimulates the body and mind, which will negatively impact your sleep cycle.

You need to manage stress effectively for a good night’s sleep which could be done with deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques which can calm your body and help release stress.

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