Golden Rules To Avoid Getting Alzheimer’s

  • April 02, 2020 BY  Anthem Seniors
  • Anthem Senior Sanctuary

Even the thought of developing Alzheimer’s disease can be a frightening prospect, which is one of the biggest concerns as we get older. But there are things you can do to help reduce your own risk, including eating healthy, staying active and exercising your mind. Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia, typically occurs among the elderly, and is characterized by the accumulation of two types of protein in the brain: tangles (tau) and plaques (amyloid-beta). Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia that specifically affects parts of the brain that control thought, memory and language.

Caring for a senior loved one, especially someone who has Alzheimer’s can be challenging for families who don’t have expertise or professional training in home care. You are not required to face this challenge alone as Anthem Senior Living in Phoenix, AZ is there with you. We provide high-quality Alzheimer’s, dementia, stroke, and Parkinson’s care.

The best way to maximize your chances of lifelong brain health and preserve your cognitive abilities is by identifying your risk factors, and then undertaking measures to control them, which can play a major role in preventing the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and slow down the process of deterioration. There are multiple risk factors associated with the complex Alzheimer’s disease. Some like genetics and age are outside your control, whereas some are within your control, which includes

Clock In Regular Exercise– Regular physical exercise can reduce your risk of developing dementia by up to 50%. Not only that, exercise can also slow further deterioration in those who have already started showing signs of cognitive problems. It’s essential that you find a way of exercising that works for you, and it’s advisable that you start off with a small amount of activity and gradually build it up.

Eat Healthy– According to research, making the right food choices could protect your brain function and lower your chances of getting dementia. Moreover, proper nutrition for someone with dementia can keep their body strong and ease behavioral symptoms. Experts recommend following a Mediterranean diet that is high in whole grains, vegetables, nuts, legumes, spices, oily fish, olive oil and other foods high in omega fats, while being low in red meat, refined foods and sugar. Limit your sugar intake, eat less saturated fat, drink 6–8 glasses of fluid like water, lower fat drink, etc. a day, and eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

Exercise Your Mind– Individuals who continue learning new things and challenging their brains throughout life are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Find something you like doing that challenges your brain, such as you can sign up for a course (like learn a new language, take up a new hobby), read challenging books or write, play card games or board games, do puzzles, crosswords or quizzes, so on and so forth- and make it into a habit.

Other Tips:

  1. Quit smoking
  2. Drink less alcohol
  3. Social engagement (develop and maintain a strong network of friends)
  4. Get adequate sleep

Manage stress
